So some church is looking to have a book burning complete with Nazi uniforms.
This ranks pretty fucking high on the Wacko-Meter. Especially considering that the books they plan on burning are...wait for it...bibles. You read correctly. Not just any particular bible but all bibles that aren't the King James Version. Apparently the KJV is the definitive Word of God because as we all know that Latin version from which the KJV was written wasn't as accurate as the King's English translation. Neither was the Greek version nor the Hebrew version. Never mind that the closer you get to the source typically the more accurate the information. Given these wackos views, the Ten Commandments handed to Moses (most likely in Hebrew) wasn't as accurate as the English translation. I bet even God (may He rest in peace) would have scratched his omniscient head on this one. He probably would have been embarrassed that something so fundamentally stupid was yet again being done in His Name. It's stupid shit like this from our fellow Americans that proves God doesn't exist because no one and no thing could imagine the crap we humans can invent when it comes to religion.
Of course prosecuting these nuts would only engage the moral outrage of those who are ready to accuse the State of persecuting people based on their religious beliefs. Yet, can you imagine how this would have been spun had a group of Atheists organized a Bible Bonfire dressed like your favorite Nuremburg Rally Troopers? They'd be assaulted with some idiocy about the attack on Christianity in America and how this is the kind of thing that led to hijacked planes and the World Trade Center on 9/11 as well as global warming, those inane Survivor shows and gay marriage.
Naturally we as Americans wouldn't want to ridicule or lambast or prosecute these troglodytes for their beliefs because we would be taking away not only their rights to worship but their rights as parents to instill good Christian values into their children. Never mind the benefits of passing on a sense of historical accuracy to their demonic ceremonies.
So I say we join 'em. Let's fly down, dress like nuns (the whole Nazi thing is soooooo cliche) and help heave those ridiculous tomes of archaic religious belief into the fire. I mean many times do you get to dress like a Catholic and burn bibles?
Fantatsic Four - Comic Stop Style!
13 years ago